HUQUQ Review of Books is a space to engage with the latest academic publications focusing on rights from a variety of disciplines.
- If you are interested in contributing a book review, please start by looking at the format and style of the published reviews.
- Potential contributors are kindly asked to let us know in advance about the book(s) they wish to review: please include information about your research interests and experience. Please let us know if you have an existing personal or professional relationship with the book’s authors/editor.
- These guidelines are designed to help potential reviewers when writing their reviews. While each work may require specific style and specific approach, we nonetheless expect the review to appraise the work in relations to these areas:
- Thesis: is the main argument or arguments of the work clear and readily available
- Originality: Does the author(s) contribute original idea to the topic (human rights) and or to the discipline
- Approach: does the author(s) employ clear method of analysis
- Literature review: does the author(s) engage with other authors who wrote on the subject matter
- Evidence: does the author present a body of evidence that is proportional to the generalizations and conclusions they make
- Writing style: does the author use accessible and clear language
- Other matters
- Write your review in a professional, respectful manner. Keep in mind that you are review a work as written by someone else; do not judge the work based on how you would have written it.
- Average length: ~ 1000 words
- Please look at published reviews to identify the parts that you must include in your review, such as author’s name, publisher, edition, series, page count, format, ISBN, etc.
> To submit a review, you will need to sign up by creating an account or using a social media or email account. After signing up, email us and request that your account is upgraded to “Reviewer” membership. Please include a CV/resume with your email request.
> Authors and reviewers, who have permission, may submit reviews of their work (authors) or reviews they published elsewhere (reviewers) for republication here if the topic of the work is relevant to human rights. Please use the online form to send your review or a link to the review you would like us to republish.
Sending books for review?
Publishers, authors, or their agents and representatives who wish to provide an eBook to interested reviewers may send new titles in human rights for review using the online form, with a subject: Book for review
For authors:
Authors may republish reviews of the reviews of their books that were published elsewhere with HUQUQ Review of Books. However, abstracts and editorial summaries cannot be published as Book reviews; Authors may submit abstracts and book summary in the Index of Works of Scholarship section of this platform.
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