HUQUQ Email List and Discussion Groups
You may opt-in for updates from HUQUQ Email List. You will not receive emails from HUQUQ more than twice a month in average, and only when important updates warrant it.
HUQUQ email List:
Group Discussion List:
Use this Google Groups App to share information, ask questions, and stay in touch with people interested in human rights. Please customize your preference, you may received individual emails or a single digest; only registered members have access to HUQUQ Group posts. Join in!
* The Google Groups forum is managed directly by, email addresses will not be used for any other purposes or shared with anyone outside
HUQUQ on Social Media Platforms:
HUQUQ uses social media to archive large files, like images and videos, and provide a space for sharing information about human rights.
Subscribe to HUQUQ Channel on Telegram: HUQUQ Channel; Join the Discussion on Telegram: HUQUQ Group
Other social media connections: HUQUQ on Bluesky | Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Collective
* Some of the social media channels are run independently from