Identify and describe some of the most egregious atrocities in recorded history, what are the top 10 atrocities?
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5 Answers
Best Answer
The crime of apartheid should be considered the most atrocious crime against humanity. It is a composite of crimes including colonialism, pillaging, population transfer, and systemic racism to name few.
The genocide of indigenous peoples of the Americas must be the most cruel and astrocious crime against humanity.
Aktion T4 infanticide campaign must be the most atrocious crime against humanity.
It targeted the most vulnerable social group, children with disability, was sponsored by the State, and resulted in the killing of more than quarter million children between 1939 and 1954.
The State, basically established a panel to decide and who was worthy of life and who was not among these children.
There can't be a more heartless, cruel crime than this one.
The Dropping of the nuclear bombs on cities in Japan must be the most atrocious act of mass killing.
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